Content Marketing

Engage Your Audience with A Great Content Strategy

Greenlight Marketing Content Marketing

Content Strategy That Moves the Needle

What Can Content Marketing Do for Your Business?

Good content marketing is an integral piece of SEO and your overall digital marketing plan. Regularly posting high-quality content with relevance to your industry and what customers are searching for fuels the engine of organic growth. If you want to:

  • Rank higher in search results
  • Get more traffic on your site
  • Increase your sales leads
  • Raise awareness of your brand

…then content marketing is basically essential. But you’ll only see the best benefits if it’s done correctly by an expert team.

Content Creation and Marketing from Greenlight

You understand your business. We understand marketing and SEO strategy. We do a deep dive on your products and services and take time to get familiar with your business, your goals, and your customer profile. Then we use that research to craft content that satisfies what search engines are looking for and grows awareness of your brand with your most important audience groups.


Have Greenlight Craft a Custom Content Marketing Strategy for You.


What Makes a Successful Content Marketing Strategy?

Content marketing that works has four fundamental qualities. Two of them are about what you post, and two of them are about when.


Content that doesn’t offer any value to your audience won’t return any value for your business. Just packing your pages with keywords doesn’t work anymore: audiences will click away from it immediately, and search engine algorithms are too smart for it now anyway. You need content that provides useful info to your customers, with answers to their common questions about products and services in your industry.


All the content you post should be directly relevant to your products and services. Well-researched and well-written content that’s only distantly related to your industry will only confuse search engine algorithms. It’s critical to understand how your audience is approaching topics in your industry and create your content accordingly.


High-quality, relevant content is necessary. However, if you take so much time to craft your content that your site goes without new content for long periods of time, the work you’re putting in to crafting perfect content is counter productive. Search engine algorithms reward consistent refreshing of a site’s content.


Let’s say it again another way: search engines hate stagnant websites. Having a “regular schedule” for putting new content on your site won’t help you if the schedule is once a year. New content needs to be posted often – at least quarterly, and preferably each month.

Call Greenlight for a content marketing strategy that reaches more customers and leads to more sales!

Call Us Today! (816) 601-1956


Content in a Comprehensive Marketing Strategy

Content is more than just words on a page on your site. Content can be anything that your audience finds organically which builds awareness of your brand and builds a connection with potential customers by being relevant and interesting. And content marketing doesn’t exist in a vacuum. The goal in any brand-building strategy should be to develop a consistent brand “voice” across all media channels.

As a full-service marketing agency, Greenlight can help you develop a cross-channel content strategy that helps you stay on-brand and on-message, from digital media to more traditional channels like outdoor advertising, and everything in between.


Have Greenlight Craft a Custom Content Marketing Strategy for You.

Request A Free Proposal Today!

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