
Maximize Brand Impact with the Written Word!

Greenlight Marketing Copywriting Services

Creative copywriting to capture your audience

Professional Copywriting Can Drive the Conversions You Need

Our staff of professional and dedicated copywriters know how to maximize the impact of your brand.

  • Educate and persuade your audience
  • Tell your story
  • Maintain consistency across channels
  • Generate more leads
  • Cut through the noise
  • Differentiate yourself from the competition

From a total brand overhaul to the smallest banner ad, Greenlight’s copywriting solutions will capture eyes and generate results.

Copywriting is Vital for Marketing Success

If you’re reading this, you probably know a bit about writing. After all, since elementary school you’ve been learning about verbs and nouns, adjectives and adverbs. It’s easy to assume you have the skills and knowledge to write all the marketing copy you need. This is a big mistake.

Writing advertising and marketing copy requires a specific skillset to maximize its impact. And while it can be easy to overlook, copywriting is the foundation for all your marketing efforts. You need to carefully craft your message to ensure it hits the right notes and generates results – which is why you need a professional copywriter.


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What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the use of written language to persuade readers to take action. It’s used in nearly every piece of a marketing mix, from your website to email campaigns, SEO to video advertising.

What do Copywriters Do?

The professionals who write marketing copy are called copywriters. They have a unique skillset that helps them distill the message down to its core component, find an effective angle to connect with the audience and then create the copy that encourages action.

How they achieve this varies depending on the piece’s format and goals. For example, a web banner ad only has a split second to capture a target’s attention and generate a click. This usually requires a powerful headline.

On the other hand, an email marketing series may consist of eight or more touches, which allow for the writer to establish a theme and build on it from message to message.


If your copy doesn’t effectively communicate to your audience, your competitors are!

Call Us Today (816) 601-1956

Why is Copywriting Important?

Copywriting is important to any organization because it provides a means of effectively communicating with your target audience. It helps people identify the solutions to their problems and educates them as to why you provide the best choice.

Here are some other reasons why you need professional copywriting:

1. Copy Builds Relationships

Every niche has its own vernacular. A good copywriter will understand the language your audience speaks and effectively use it to build trust. Your brand voice and style come through in your message and ensure the target that you are an expert in the field.

2. Copywriting Differentiates You from the Competition

There’s probably at least one other business in your field that offers a solution to compete with yours. How do you differentiate yourself? Your initial instinct might be to list all your offering’s features and explain how they work. But your competitors are probably doing the exact same thing.

A professional copywriter will sell you the benefits. They’ll sell the sizzle, not the steak, to borrow a common idiom.

Think about it this way: which of these builds a stronger case?

  • Get a great tan at XYZ tanning salon.
  • Radiate the healthy glow of summer all year long.

3. Generate More Conversions

The entire purpose of any marketing effort is to get results. This could be inquiries, sales or social media follows. Good copy creates this.

A skilled copywriter will improve your ROI across the board, making your landing pages more effective, boosting your email open and response rates and converting more leads into customers.

Copywriters know how to motivate people to take action.


Let us Help You Reach Your Audience Today!


Not All Copy is Created Equal

Your copywriting needs to be customized to your unique goals. A company that specializes in business-to-business (B2B) sales should not use the same approach and language as a business that directly targets consumers (B2C).

B2B copywriting needs to establish your credentials, provide thought leadership and offer relevant advice backed up by real-world examples.

B2C is more about speaking to the customers’ pain points and explaining why your product or offering is the perfect solution.

Greenlight Knows Copywriting

To ensure your copy is performing at optimal levels, at Greenlight Marketing, before we start working on any piece, we begin by doing essential research into your market, offerings and target audience. This includes identifying:

  • Your ideal customer, their needs and desires.
  • Your unique value proposition (UVP), or what separates you from your competitors.
  • The medium(s) via which the message will be delivered.
  • Your brand’s tone, voice and personality.
  • How this piece will work within your greater marketing mix.
  • Verbiage and nomenclature common within your field.

Only after we have thoroughly researched your needs and positioning will we begin writing the copy to achieve your goals.

Maximize the power of your brand with the written word!



Our Creative Services

Copywriting is just one of the many creative services Greenlight offers. We also provide:

Graphic Design

Graphic design is the process of using visual content to convey specific messages to your audience. It includes things like visual hierarchy, typography and various types of images, each working in conjunction to achieve the same goal.

Art Direction

The process of overseeing and guiding the visual aspect of a project, art direction requires a creative vision and visual style, as well as the ability to collaborate to bring the project to life.

Brand Strategy

Comprised of all the intangible elements that describe your business, brand strategy helps shape how your targets think about you. Employing a long-term strategy, it includes brand awareness, brand equity and public sentiment.

Video Production

Professional videos can be one of your most powerful marketing tools, but it’s more than aiming a camera. It also includes extensive pre-production, production and post-production work to ensure shoots go smoothly and you get the product you need.

Proven Creative Expertise

As a full-service marketing and advertising agency, Greenlight provides all the creative services you need, in-house. We have the skills and expertise to help you maximize your impact and improve ROI.

Together, we’ll determine a strategy that carefully looks at where you are currently and where you want to go. Then we’ll develop concepts that will make that a reality.


Let our Expert Copywriters Make Your Brand Stand Out From the Crowd – Call us Today!

(816) 601-1956