Email Strategy

Emails that get more opens, more clicks, and more sales

Greenlight Marketing Email Marketing Campaigns

Stand Out in the Email Inbox

Effective Email Strategies to Reach your Audience

  • Get the attention of your audience
  • Maintain a consistent brand personality and voice
  • Offer your audience something that matters to them

Email Marketing Strategy

Here’s the problem: your company uses email marketing… but so does everyone else. How can you create truly effective email campaigns instead of just sending emails because it’s what you’re “supposed” to do? Let’s look at four crucial elements of email campaigns that get noticed and get results.


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Defining Your Objectives

Your email marketing can’t deliver the results that you want if you don’t know what results you want.

For every email campaign, ask yourself: what is the main goal that this campaign needs to achieve? Is it promoting a sale? Converting leads into customers? Remarketing to previous customers?

Once you know what the goal is, every aspect of the campaign should be aligned with it. The objective obviously plays a major role in defining the audience segment you send to, but it should also be constantly top of mind when you’re creating subject lines, graphics, body text, and calls to action.

Targeting Specific Subscriber Segments

Once you realize that different emails serve different purposes and define those objectives, it becomes obvious that not every email you send should be a “blast” to everyone who’s subscribed.

Mass email blasts have their place. Within your subscriber list, however, are different subgroups who have different objectives and preferences and therefore will be responsive to different types of messages. “Smaller” email campaigns tailored to engaging these specific segments can often be more effective in forming a connection with subscribers than mass e-mail blasts.

Subscriber source (how people originally signed up to receive your emails), past buying behaviors, and info from customer surveys are just a few of the ways you can gather data to segment your mailing list for more tailored and effective email marketing.

Mass email blasts are the equivalent of giving a speech to a crowd of people. Even if everyone in the crowd chose to come hear your speech, it’s still a highly impersonal type of communication.

The more personal you can make your communications with your audience members, the more you can develop the connection between them and your brand and the better your chances of making a sale (and repeat sales).


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Analyzing and Iterating

Modern email marketing platforms make it extremely easy to collect and review analytics for every email you send. Your key performance indicators (KPIs) are open rate, click-through-rate (CTR), responses, and unsubscribes.

You should review these analytics for every email you send and use them to inform the strategic decisions you make on subsequent campaigns. What worked and what didn’t? If one message performed much better than others, why?

For example, it’s well known within the digital marketing industry that subject lines have a huge impact on whether emails get opened. The tools available in modern email platforms can also aid you in analyzing what works best with your audience by making it easy to set up A/B tests.

In A/B testing, you can easily configure an email campaign where half of the recipients get a version with one subject line and half get a version with another so that you can compare which version performs better.


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Taking Advantage of Automation

There’s a lot that goes in to doing email marketing right beyond just sending out blasts to your whole subscriber list, or even more targeted messages to segments. We’re talking about things like welcome emails, thank-yous, and lead follow-ups. It can quickly turn into an overwhelming amount of busywork.

Fortunately, modern email marketing and CRM platforms like HubSpot allow you to automate a huge amount of this effort – and if you’re not taking advantage of this functionality, you’re missing out. In fact, automated welcome and thank-you messages are only scratching the surface of what’s possible.

It’s easy to also do things like configure automated “drip” campaigns to follow up with potential sales leads. Combining audience segmentation with automation to create custom email sequences for subscribers who have taken specific actions or meet certain criteria can dramatically increase the efficiency of your marketing and sales efforts.

Effective Email Marketing

Doing email marketing right means more than just shouting at your subscribers through a digital bullhorn with constantly mass email blasts.

It takes setting objectives, understanding what different segments of your subscriber base are looking for so you can cultivate a connection with them, constantly assessing what works and what doesn’t so you can refine your strategy, and using the automation features of modern email platforms to their fullest.

If all of that sounds like a lot to handle on top of all the other demands associated with running your business, especially if you’re starting from scratch without previous email marketing experience, Greenlight Marketing is here to help.

Start Seeing Better Results from Your Email Marketing



Why Go with Greenlight for Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Engaging and On-Brand

Email campaigns that get opens and clicks start with strong creative. We take the time to understand your brand – or help you refine it – so that we can create campaigns that reflect your business’s “personality” and make your audience take notice.

Always Getting Better

We’re always tuning up our campaigns for better performance. Using multivariate testing, we can see how factors like the time messages are sent and variations in the subject line influence open and click rates, then use that data to inform future campaigns.

Optimized for Mobile

According to a recent study by Campaign Monitor, almost half of all email opens are now on mobile. Your emails must use mobile-friendly templates for your campaigns to succeed. We know how to make the mobile device optimizations necessary for email campaigns to deliver value.

Spam Regulation Compliant

The last thing you want is for your emails to go directly into your audience’s spam folder because your domain has been blacklisted. We know the ins and outs of spam regulations, so we can make sure your campaigns stay compliant.

Proven Creative Expertise

As a full-service marketing and advertising agency, Greenlight provides the email marketing strategies you need. Use strategic email marketing to reach your audience and maximize your ROI.


Contact Greenlight to talk about your email marketing needs! Call us Today!

(816) 601-1956

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